Main office: 123 Athol Street, Whitby, ON L1N 3Z1
Satellite office: 302-1315 Pickering Parkway, ON L1V 7G5
Call for a free consultation: 905-409-2438
When should you report car accidents to police or the collision center?

When should you report car accidents to police or the collision center?

Personal injury and disability denial lawyer discusses when to report car accidents to police or the collision center in cases of property damage and injury

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Lerners Injury Lawyers are proud to have been an Emerald Sponsor of the Durham Brain Injury Association for 2022

Lerners Injury Lawyers are proud to have been an Emerald Sponsor of the Durham Brain Injury Association for 2022

Lerners Injury Lawyers in Whitby Ontario acted as an Emerald Sponsor for the Durham Brain Injury Association in Oshawa for 2022 and as a sponsor for the event for their users in December 2022.

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Dec. 9, 2022 - in Information

Long Term Disability Denial Lawyer Steven Polak discusses typical fees for Long Term Disability denial lawsuits against insurance companies like Sunlife, Manulife, Great West Life, TD, Industrial Alliance, Desjardins, and others.

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Proud to support CMHA (Durham) during the COVID 19 crisis

Proud to support CMHA (Durham) during the COVID 19 crisis

Lerners LLP (Durham) is proud to support CHMA Durham in donating masks for use by their staff and clients.

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June 8, 2020 - in Information
CBC Radio show with guest lawyer Steven Polak (Underage drinking permitted by parents) June  20, 2018

CBC Radio show with guest lawyer Steven Polak (Underage drinking permitted by parents) June 20, 2018

A CBC Radio Show (Ontario Today) exploring issues surrounding parents who permit underage drinking

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Canadian Lawyer Magazine rankings for 2017: top ten Ontario regional Firms

Canadian Lawyer Magazine rankings for 2017: top ten Ontario regional Firms

On September 5, 2017 Canadian Lawyer Magazine released their annual lawyer ranking of the top ten r

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Are alligators safer than gorillas at law? Or just how powerful is the Disney brand?

Are alligators safer than gorillas at law? Or just how powerful is the Disney brand?

During the past few weeks we have seen a very powerful demonstration of the strength of the Disney

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June 16, 2016 - in Case examples, Information
When things go wrong with your long term disability insurance company…

When things go wrong with your long term disability insurance company…

It all seems proper and appropriate when you receive your initial claim forms and speak with the (o

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June 24, 2015 - in Advice, Disability, Information, Insurance
Personal injury lawyers percentage fee for slip and fall and car accident injury claims

Personal injury lawyers percentage fee for slip and fall and car accident injury claims

Potential clients often ask me what the “usual” percentage legal fee is for personal injury cases a

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New changes to accident benefits for car accident victims

New changes to accident benefits for car accident victims

On December 17, 2013, the government announced new changes to the auto insurance benefits regime

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