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When should you report car accidents to police or the collision center?
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When should you report car accidents to police or the collision center?

Beginning on January 1, 2025, Ontario changed its threshold for when to report car accidents to police versus the collision center.

The government amended Regulation 596 to the Highway Traffic Act (section 199(1) specifically) to require that accidents with property damage over $5,000 be reported to the police as opposed to the collision center (before January 1, 2025, the amount was $2,000 in property damage).

It's important to note that for accidents that involve personal injury, the accident should be reported to police, regardless of whether the damage to the vehicle is above or below the $5,000 threshold.  The accident should also be reported to police if the accident involves any open/opening door on a vehicle striking a bicyclist, or a vehicle in certain circumstances.

The full, updated, text of section 199(1) of the Act is set out below:

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