People commonly assume that a single-car accident is always the fault of the person behind the whee
All throughout Canada, people find themselves wondering what they should do when their borrowed veh
The GTA was hit with snow squalls today and approximately 10-15cm’s of snow. Environment Canada w
When you are injured in a car accident, there are usually two parts to your claim – (1) an accident
During the past few weeks we have seen a very powerful demonstration of the strength of the Disney
The government in Ontario has made changes that will move the dispute resolution process over accid
While I have been knee-deep in the industry as a personal injury lawyer who frequently deals with c
The future is here! As of January 1, 2016, Ontario became the first Canadian Province to allow app
A drunk driver is texting and goes through a red light and smashes into someone causing injury that
In Ontario, a “pain and suffering” award is only available to people who suffer a ‘permanent and se