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Car Accidents: Buying Cars From Uncertified Dealers Puts Everyone At A Higher Risk
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Car Accidents: Buying Cars From Uncertified Dealers Puts Everyone At A Higher Risk

June 19, 2014 - in Car Accident

There’s no doubt about it; cars can be money pits. However, many of us don’t have the choice to not have a vehicle. Between sky-high gas prices, insurance, maintenance, carwashes, accidents, and everything in-between, cars are one of the most expensive assets people have. That said; buying used cars has become a perceived way to cut down on these costs.

New research conducted by OMVIC (Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council), Ontario’s motor vehicle sales regulator, suggests that many drivers are forgoing driver safety in order to save on the costs associated with driving.

This research was completed through a survey that found that nearly half (43%) of drivers said that knowing that they only have consumer protection through registered dealers would not effect their next purchasing decision.

It’s important for drivers to realize that most of the time; the money we save when buying used cars from a non-registered dealer is less than the amount we spend when they fail us.

Since we depend on our cars everyday and spend a significant amount of time on the road, thousands of drivers are involved in car accidents daily. Many of these car accidents can be avoided with the proper safety measures. When you purchase a used car from an uncertified or unregistered car dealer, you risk purchasing a car that isn’t safe, reliable, or going to save you money in the long run.

In addition to these findings, the OMVIC survey also concluded:

  1. 34% of drivers were unaware that a “curbsider” is also an unlicensed dealer therefore not a registered dealer in Ontario
  2. 73% of drivers were unaware that all Ontario vehicle sellers have to be certified and registered by OMVIC
  3. 59% of car buyers said that the main thing they worried about when buying a used vehicle is buying a “lemon”
  4. 40% of drivers noted that it is either extremely important or important, to buy from a registered and certified dealer; another 32% said it’s somewhat important

When looking at this information, we can see that there are inconsistencies between a driver’s main concerns, worries, and actions. Meaning that, many drivers want to ensure that they’re buying a safe and reliable car from a certified dealer, however they continue to buy from uncertified dealer as they’re unaware or want to save on costs.

When you buy from an uncertified dealer, you risk not only buying a “lemon” but you also increase your risk of being in a car accident . Personal injury cases from car accidents are one of the most frequent cases Steven Polak and his legal team sees. Our team wants to remind drivers that the risks associated with buying unreliable unsafe vehicles can outweigh the costs of buying a used car from a dealer.

When you buy from a certified source, you will have the proper documentation of the vehicle’s history, condition, safety guarantees, and other information that can be significant in the case of a lawsuit.

If you have been injured due to a car accident, you are entitled to compensation. Contact the Steven Polak and his injury lawyer team today for more guidance and information.

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