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Filing a Slip and Fall Accident Claim Against Cobourg City
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Filing a Slip and Fall Accident Claim Against Cobourg City

June 2, 2018 - in Slip and Fall

Being in a slip and fall accident can cause serious injuries. And when the accident happened on property that is not yours and because of someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries.

Still, most people who are in a slip and fall accident have no idea what to do thereafter. And it’s the actions you take immediately after the incident that are so crucial.

It’s also essential to understand the difference between being in a slip and fall accident on private property and being in a slip and fall accident on city property.

Below, we’ll outline exactly what to do after a slip and fall accident on city property (call a personal injury lawyer in Cobourg is step one). But first, let’s discuss how slip and fall accidents on city property differ from those on private property.

Private Property Vs. City Property

The most important difference between slips and falls on city property and slips and falls on private property is how the laws surrounding these incidents are governed. Private property accidents are governed by laws outlined in the Occupiers Liability Act of 1990. And city property accidents are governed under a specific set of regulations in Ontario’s Municipal Act of 2001.

The 10-Day Stipulation for City Accidents

Accidents that occur on city property tend to have more stipulations. Namely, in section 44(10) of the Municipal Act is something called the 10-day stipulation, which states that you have 10 days after the date of the accident to provide written notice of your accident if you want to file out a successful claim against the city.

Your written notice must include the date and time of the incident and the location. It must be sent to the municipality clerk by registered mail — again, within 10 days.

Other Considerations

In addition to needing written notice for city accidents, you must also prove that gross negligence caused your slip and fall accident if it was on city property. On the other hand, slips and falls on private property only necessitate proving base negligence.

Slipped and Fell on City Property? Call an Injury Lawyer Right Away

If you have recently suffered serious injuries after a slip and fall on city property, after seeking medical care, there’s one thing you must do right away: Call a personal injury lawyer.

Slip and fall accidents can cause serious injuries that may necessitate surgery, amputation, physical therapy, long-term medication, time off from work, or complete loss of a job. It is imperative that you get in touch with one of the best personal injury lawyers Cobourg has to offer so that you can claim compensation for your medical bills and pain and suffering.

Steven Polak is a highly-qualified personal injury lawyer in Cobourg, specializing in slip and fall accidents on city property. He can help you file a slip and fall accident claim against the city and receive deserved damages for your injuries.

Contact Steven Polak today to book a free consultation and learn about your legal options.

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