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I Lent Out My Car and It Was Involved in a Collision: What’s Next?
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I Lent Out My Car and It Was Involved in a Collision: What’s Next?

Feb. 7, 2017 - in Car Accident

All throughout Canada, people find themselves wondering what they should do when their borrowed vehicles are involved in accidents. If you lent your car to a friend or family member and it was involved in a collision, you should first call car accident lawyers to help you with your claim. Here are some things you should expect should you find yourself in this predicament.

Who Is Responsible for the Car?

The owner of the car is almost always responsible for any repercussions that may occur after an accident, even if a friend or family member was driving. With that in mind, it’s vital to make sure that you fully understand your insurance policy before handing over your keys. Here are a few points to keep in mind:

  • The person borrowing your car should have a valid driver’s license. If the borrower is unlicensed, your insurance policy may not apply.
  • Most insurance companies will require that you add anyone living in your household to your policy. For example, if your licensed child who lives in your home borrows your car, but she isn’t listed on your insurance policy, your insurance company may not pay any claims.
  • Along those same lines, if you will lend your car to someone for more than a day or two, consider adding that person to your policy temporarily. If your car will be parked at the borrower’s residence, this is even more important. Many insurance companies are within their rights to deny these types of claims.

First and Foremost: Who Is at Fault?

The first thing that personal injury lawyers or car accident lawyers will do is determine who caused the accident. There are several factors that go into making this decision, and that’s why it’s so vital to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. If the person who borrowed your car is deemed to be at fault for the accident, then you, as the owner of the car, are responsible for paying any damages. However, if the driver of your car is not at fault, your insurance company should cover any damages –  including personal injury claims or damage your vehicle sustained in the accident.

Should You Call Car Accident Lawyers?

If your borrowed car is involved in a collision, you should call personal injury lawyers or car accident lawyers right away. By doing that, you can start building your defense and get help in submitting your claim to your insurance company. Accidents can and sometimes do happen, but if you’ve taken the appropriate steps to protect yourself – and the person borrowing your car – then you are entitled to compensation.

Accidents and collisions can be nerve-wracking, but fortunately, car accident lawyers can help. If your borrowed car is involved in an accident, don’t try to navigate the complex legal matter and fight your insurance company on your own. Rely on Lerners Lawyers, a group of professionals who have helped hundreds of people in your very situation get the compensation they deserve.

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