Main office: 123 Athol Street, Whitby, ON L1N 3Z1
Satellite office: 302-1315 Pickering Parkway, ON L1V 7G5
Call for a free consultation: 905-409-2438
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The fees that Steven Polak charges in typical Long Term Disability Denial settlements is as follows:

Your Fee



Your Long Term Disability claim is approved through the appeal that you are filing yourself before we proceed with a claim

The fee will be [0%]

We settle your case before a lawsuit is started

The fee will be [20%] + HST

We settle your case before the examination for discovery (a meeting with the other side to share documents and ask questions) and before the mediation

The fee will be [22%] + HST

We settle your case after the examination for discovery but before the hearing or mediation

The fee will be [25%] + HST

We settle your case before the Mediation -settlement conference (a meeting to see if a mediated dispute can be achieved)

The fee will be [25%] + HST

We settle your case during the Mediation settlement conference

The fee will be [28%] + HST

We settle your Tort case after the Mediation settlement conference but before the hearing

The fee will be [30%] + HST

It is estimated that over 95% of these cases settle before trial.  If the matter does proceed to trial then the retainer agreement speaks to a percentage fee or an amount calculated based on costs awarded by the Court.  Lerners LLP's maximum percentage fee ever charged on cases is 33%, but many are charged at a lower amount per above.

For more information about Long Term Disability Denial Lawsuit claims in Whitby, Oshawa, Durham Region, please visit our LTD Denial page: LTD DENIAL LAWYER PAGE

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