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Staying Protected & Informed Of Recalled Food Product
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Staying Protected & Informed Of Recalled Food Product

July 30, 2014 - in Advice

Canadians consume approximately 100 million meals everyday. Luckily for us in Canada, our food products are amongst the safest in the entire world. However, most of our food has a long way to travel in order to get onto our plates. From the farm, processor, distributor, retailer, and then finally our homes – there is a lot of room for our food to become contaminated and unsafe to eat.

Due to the risk of our food becoming contaminated, Canada has implemented strong safety food systems. Our food industry is required by law to adhere to strict food safety measures in order to keep consumers safe. These laws have been implemented to help reduce food-related injuries and illnesses.

Though in Canada these laws are very effective and successful in keeping our food safe, food related illnesses still can and do happen. For instance, just this month a leading research lab found high levels of E. coli in many rural areas in Alberta that could potentially infect local waterways. With the help of these researchers, informed and educated farmers, conservation boards, and government regulators this problem should be cleared up and not pose potential problems for those in the area.

The fact that Canada is able to control Recalled Food Product effectively doesn’t mean that their plans are bullet proof. For this reason, it is important that you as a consumer stay informed and aware of the food and products you may be consuming and if they have been recalled. Being informed will prevent you or a loved one from incurring an injury from a defective or contaminated food product.

Just like Canada’s strict food regulations, we also have strict laws on what to do if there is a food product released to the market that could cause illness or death . If a contaminated food product is released, there will be food recall warnings released publicly similar to other product recalls (i.e., appliances, cars, toys).

However, there are other ways to stay informed about food recalls in a timelier manner than public announcements such as media outlets. These media outlets can help you protect yourself and loved ones from incurring an injury or illness from a contaminated food product.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agenc y (CFIA) along with other media outlets (i.e., radio stations, social media) will issue food recall warnings if need be. If a potentially unsafe food product has been released the CFIA will confirm that the recalling firm has contacted all of its providers and that the product has been removed from the market.

Depending on the severity and location of the risk, news outlets will alert the public as needed. These alerts can usually be found on the radio, news stations, official websites, email alerts, Twitter, RSS feeds, widgets and mobile apps. For many of these media outlets you can sign up for notifications so that you’re immediately updated if there is a food product recall in your area. This is a great way to stay informed!

Defective or contaminated products have the ability to seriously harm you or a loved one. From cars and appliances, to toys and clothing, to the food on your plate – we as consumers need to stay on top of harmful products to stay safe and away from. If you have incurred an injury or illness due to a defective or contaminated product you may be eligible for compensation.

It is the duty of a processor, distributor, manufacturer, and retailer to ensure that what they are selling to consumers will not harm them in any way. Failure to detect defects or contamination means that they have not maintained the quality standard they are responsible of. When this occurs they are legally responsible for any resulting losses in an injury or fatality.

Steven Polak and his legal team have extensive experience working with victims of personal injury such as defective or contaminated food products. For more information on his services or to speak with a member of his legal team visit .

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