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Ten Things To Do After A Car Accident
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Ten Things To Do After A Car Accident

July 17, 2012 - in Car Accident

Immediately after a car accident people are shaken up, scared, perhaps in shock and they are not thinking rationally. In some cases people fail to document important information at the scene and afterwards and fail to take steps that will protect their interests going forward.

Below, please find 10 helpful things that you can do after a car accident, which may assist you if you are required to launch a lawsuit or take other steps to advance your interests in the future.

1. Obtain the other drivers name, license, license plate and insurance information.
2. Obtain names and contact information for any witnesses.
3. Take pictures of the damage to the vehicle
4. Take pictures of any visible physical injuries
5. Notify the police and your insurance company and file reports
6. Keep written notes of how the accident happened and any pains that you are having.
7. Keep notes of any discussions that you have about how the accident happened.
8. Keep a record of names of persons that you speak with.
9. When you speak with an insurance adjuster, confirm the substance of the discussion by e-mail or letter.
10. If you are injured, speak to a lawyer right away to find out your options and important information. Ideally, you could speak to a lawyer before providing a statement to any insurance adjusters.

These are some of the steps that many people recommend after a car accident. They may or may not be applicable to your specific situation. It is best to contact a lawyer to discuss your specific situation and to determine what steps, if any, are appropriate in your particular situation.
It is generally a good idea to take steps to contact a lawyer right away to ensure that limitation and notice periods do not expire before you have a chance to take any necessary steps.

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