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You’ve Been Hurt on a Bike. Here’s What You Need to Know
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You’ve Been Hurt on a Bike. Here’s What You Need to Know

Jan. 19, 2018 - in Personal Injury

Whether you’re addicted to the feel of spinning the pedals or simply using your bike as a convenient way to get around, it’s not always easy to navigate Ontario’s trails and streets. Unfortunately, cycling accidents are on the rise in places like Pickering, and as you might expect if you’ve seen how people drive, it’s not always the rider’s fault. If you’ve experienced a personal injury, then talking to the injury lawyers Pickering riders trust might be your best option. Here’s how Law 123 can help.

Understanding the Rise of Bike Injuries

Why are more riders getting hurt? Advocates like the Share the Road Cycling Coalition of Ontario point to many different issues. In 2009, around 92 percent of all cyclist fatalities were related to wrecks involving motor vehicles, and 89 percent of these took place near intersections. Groups like children, who pose smaller visual targets and often use bikes to travel long distances in cities and rural settings, are also at heightened risk.

It’s worth considering that not all bike injury hazards take the form of inattentive drivers. Factors like poor municipal maintenance can create unsafe roads that set cyclists up for catastrophic failures. Many cyclists who get hurt after encountering such conditions may even blame themselves, unaware that they should seek legal remedies against the agency or local governments responsible for providing safe transit.

What to Do in the Aftermath

How you respond to a cycling injury plays a huge role in your outcome. For instance, seeking immediate care instead of delaying the process can improve your chances of a healthy physical recovery. By talking to disability lawyers Pickering riders who get hurt might be able to increase their access to the financial resources and advice they need to power the healing process.

There are various forms of legal claims that could potentially help you deal with an accident. For instance, you might file a claim against a driver who failed to notice you in time because they were on a smartphone. You could also claim for things like the damage done to your bike or the wages you lose when you’re unable to work because you’re in the hospital. If you become permanently disabled, you might seek funds to offset your increased living costs.

No matter what kind of claim you file, it’s critical to back it up with appropriate evidence. Although it may be obvious to you that you were dealt a tragic wrong, courts make their decisions based on substantive proof, such as

  • Photos showing the accident scene, the damage to your bike and helmet, and your injuries,
  • Insurance claim information,
  • Medical and ongoing therapy bills, and
  • Witness accounts and police reports.

Talking to a Pickering personal injury lawyer might make it far easier to compile these kinds of evidence. When you’re trying to recover, it’s hard to manage cases, and successful civil suits depend on your ability to jump through hoops and meet paperwork filing requirements. Call the Pickering personal injury lawyers at Law 123 to learn more about your options.

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