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6 Factors When Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer in Ajax
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6 Factors When Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer in Ajax

Are you in search of a lawyer to handle your personal injury claim? There are many lawyers to choose from in Ajax, but that doesn't mean they are the correct lawyer for your particular case. Here are a few of the factors you should consider when choosing the lawyer for your case.


Lawyers that deal with Family law are not personal injury lawyers, nor are criminal lawyers. If you have a personal injury, you want a specialized personal injury lawyer Ajax has to offer. Specialized lawyers understand the ins and outs of personal injury law, and are skilled getting the optimal outcomes for their clients. The more experienced a lawyer is, the more likely they are to be able to close your case as quickly as possible, and at the lowest cost to you.


In addition to personal injury law, you also want a lawyer who is specialized in your particular field. Does your personal injury lawyer handle medical malpractice cases? Or do they primarily handle injury claims that were a result of a car accident? Some law firms will take on any case, even in a field that they are not expert’s in. Solid personal injury firms will only take a case they have the expertise and knowledge to handle.


Do a thorough search for your injury lawyer online. What are their reviews like? Have previous clients had a good experience with them? The personal injury lawyers Ajax trust the most should have great online reviews. Even if they have a few bad reviews, keep in mind that a client can be displeased with the outcome of a case without it necessarily being the lawyer's fault. Take the time to ask your lawyer about any reviews that concern you.

Trial vs. Settlements

Some injury lawyers never go to trial. Instead, they rely upon settlements. This isn't necessarily bad thing; personal injury settlements average around $24,000, even including smaller cases. However, if it's known that your lawyer has a long track record of not going to trial that is something to keep in mind. Injury lawyers Ajax should be willing to go to trial, unless your case is not as strong as it needs to be. The lawyer will go over all of your options. Sometimes a trial can yield even better results, depending on your case's facts. Other times a settlement is in the best interest of the client.

Word of Mouth

Does your personal injury lawyer have published articles within the field? Are they often referenced and cited –has a friend of family member worked with them before? You want an injury lawyer Ajax clients are talking about -- one who is trusted in their field.


Most importantly, do you feel as though the lawyer is listening to you, are they invested in your story, do they ask the right questions? Do your personalities mesh well, or do you think you'll be constantly butting heads? A working relationship with your injury lawyer is very important. As you review personal injury lawyers Ajax have to offer keep in mind that you may be working with this lawyer for weeks, months or maybe years depending on your case. Finding one that you have a great connection with is key.

A Personal Injury Lawyer in Ajax Can Help

Navigating between all of the options when choosing a personal injury lawyer can feel overwhelming.  If you have a personal injury case, contact one of the best personal injury lawyers Pickering has to offer: Steven Polak.

Steven Polak is an injury lawyer in Pickering who can help you determine what compensation you may be entitled to and will walk you step by step thought the entire process, making sure you are aware of all of your options.

Call Steven today to schedule your free consultation and to learn all of the options available to you.

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