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5 Signs It’s Time to Hire Personal Injury Lawyer in Ajax
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5 Signs It’s Time to Hire Personal Injury Lawyer in Ajax

Being seriously injured in an auto accident because of the negligence and carelessness of another driver is a devastating experience. It’s made even worse by the fact that you’ll have to deal with these injuries for a long time to come, possibly paying thousands of dollars in mounting medical bills and often not working for months or years at a time.

Where do you turn when a life-altering event such as this takes place?

Many Ajax residents consider simply filing an insurance claim or making due on their own without taking the at-fault party to court. Unfortunately, however, insurance companies don’t want you to know that a personal injury lawyer can help you recover thousands in damages that you are owed from your policy.

Furthermore, Ajax personal injury lawyers are adept at recovering just as much from at-fault parties who were responsible for your injuries.

Still on the fence about hiring an Ajax personal injury lawyer? Here are 5 signs that it’s time to see one now:

  1. You’re unsure how to properly handle your insurance claim.

If you’ve never filed a personal injury insurance claim before and are unsure of the process, hiring a personal injury lawyer to assist you is extremely wise.

It’s not uncommon to make inadvertent mistakes in an insurance claim, such as accidentally admitting partial fault for the accident for not filling in the forms correctly. Unfortunately, insurance companies will jump at these chances to deny your claims.

  1. You can’t pay your medical bills.

Most Canadians don’t have enough savings to cover mounting medical bills after a serious injury. Furthermore, even if your insurance company accepts and pays your claim, there may be additional bills above and beyond this amount that you have to pay.

Ensure that you are protected and receive the damages you truly deserve by hiring an Ajax personal injury lawyer and filing your case as soon as possible.

  1. The at-fault party does not have insurance.

In certain auto accidents, the at-fault party has illegally been driving without auto insurance, making it impossible to file a claim with their insurance provider. Fortunately, the Canadian legal system protects you when a situation like this occurs. But you’ll need an Ajax personal injury lawyers on your side to help you bring the claim against the party responsible.

  1. The accident was complex, and you’re unsure how to proceed.

In some situations, the circumstances of the accident are particularly complex, and liability is not clear. You may not know how or where to start . Filing insurance claims can certainly be challenging — especially when you’re trying to recover from your injuries at the same time. Furthermore, you may end up realizing that bringing a claim against the at-fault driver is the right way to go — but how do you proceed? Only an experienced Ajax personal injury lawyer can help.

  1. Your insurance company is engaging in bad faith tactics.

You may have assumed that your insurance claim was guaranteed only to realize that it’s been denied by your provider. Some insurance companies will refuse to make any settlement offers at all. In these cases, don’t leave yourself high and dry; contact an Ajax personal injury lawyer who will fight for your insurance rights.

You can be assured that Lerners Lawyers have the skills and experience to handle your personal injury case.

With our experience and legal acumen, you’ll receive the full compensation you deserve for your serious injuries instead of struggling with insurance claims and going increasingly into debt. But it’s up to you to take the first step: Contact Lerners Lawyers today for a free consultation.

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